Thanksgiving Deekshas
When a special deeksha day like this take place, the hearts, minds and spirits of everyone involved link together to create a powerful synergy that elevates peace and Oneness on a measurable scale around the world.
The next significant Mayan gateway is November 23, and with many, many people having deekshas on that day worldwide, it is believed to raise the consciousness of the entire planet.
If you would like to participate in this elevation and receive five deekshas, please join us on this gateway opening.
SPECIAL NOTE: November 23 is the beginning of the Mayan calendar's Fifth Day. It is the light day of Quetzalcoatl/Christ energy, and will begin a strong influx of light to the human right brain.
Since this gateway date of major importance also falls on the Thanksgiving holiday, it's a beautiful way to give additional thanks for all our blessings by also giving the blessing of deeksha to Earth and all her inhabitants. Join us and be a part of this blessing, as well as assisting in Earth's elevation into a higher way of being
Mayan Breakthrough Deekshas
Date: Thursday evening, November 23, 2006
Time: 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm Central Time
Cost: $ 20
Place: our online conference room
During this time you will receive five deekshas--
1. a group enlightenment deeksha
2. an enlightenment deeksha for you individually
3. a general healing deeksha
4. a healing deeksha to open you to the next steps on your spiritual path
5. healing deeksha for the one thing you specifically request request
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