Friday, August 08, 2008

2008 Oneness Conference in CA

This year's International Oneness Conference was held July 31-August 3, in Santa Clara, California.

Over four hundred deeksha-givers from all over the world gathered together for four days of "enlightening" presentations, meditations, and talks with Anandagiri. Below are brief summaries of each day...

Day 1--2008 Oneness Conference...

Even though my plane arrived somewhat late, I was able to check into the hotel, drop my luggage off in my room, go back downstairs to register for the event, and enter the Conference hall just as Sri Raniji was opening the event with her beautiful chanting. I could feel so much love in the room as I entered, it brought tears to my eyes.

The energies were so strong they were palpable and felt quite uplifting as we waited for Anandagiri to join us in the room shortly thereafter. We got to spend several hours with him sharing our personal experiences of awakening.

The hotel was lovely, and they had a wonderful altar set up for the event with flowers, plants, candles, and of course, a srimurthi of Amma and Bhagavan. Here are some photos of it, including the chair for Anandagiri.

Anandagiriji's main message for this Conference was about ending suffering, and said we need to focus on healing ourselves first, then our families.

Everyone in the room was uplifted when he also confirmed that there will be a perceptible shift in consciousness in 2012, and "by the end of this century the spiritual quest of all our ancestors will have been achieved." Mankind will be fully Divine.

Later that evening drummer Dan Huber led us in a wonderful drumming/healing circle.

Our days were fulfillingly long, beginning at 7 AM and ending around 10 PM, with an hour and a half break for lunch and dinner. Each morning G. Singh led all the early risers in a 45 minute "sitting" yoga exercise for those who wished to attend. Then our evenings were filled with live or recorded music for dancing, meditation, and time for giving and receiving additional deekshas.

Day 2--2008 Oneness Conference...

Raniji opened the Conference today with a short pranayama-pranakriya breathing meditation before Anandagiri joined us.

Today, with his cute wit, Anandagiri told this story about a priest and a Buddhist monk who were comparing Jesus and Buddha--

The priest boasted that Jesus could heal the lame and raise the dead, but Buddha could only talk and teach. He gave an example of when a woman who had lost her son came to Jesus with her suffering, Jesus brought him back to life.

In reply, the monk said, "but didn't her son die again, and the mother suffered her son's loss all over again?" Buddha taught how to end the suffering without changing the situation.

So which is better?

Anandagiri pointed out that both ways (dissolution and resolution) can be good and appropriate in certain situations. What's important is that we help those who are in pain.

In the afternoon, Charlotte Tomaino, a neuropsychologist and brain rehabilitation specialist, gave her presentation on "The Brain and Awakening--the Neuropsychology of Meditation, Grace and Consciousness." She began by showing the following video of Jill Taylor describing her spiritual experience as she was having a stroke.

a stroke of insight (07:44)

Charlotte also reported that the research on deekshas being done by Andrew Newberg, MD (leading neurotheology researcher, professor at the University of Pennsylvania, and author of Why God Won't Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief), is progressing nicely and producing very good results.

Day 3--2008 Oneness Conference...

Sri Raniji began the morning by leading us in the "so hum" mantra meditation, then we were shown a video of when she was being ordained as a lay monk several years ago by Bhagavan, Amma, and their son, Krishna. I was so grateful to get to see it, because the energies coming from the video made it feel as though we were all back in Golden City.

Anandagiri was with us for the rest of the morning, and just as in last year's Conference, he led us in several very special deekshas. This year they were focused on:
  1. Health
  2. Prosperity
  3. Acceptance
  4. Faith
  5. Oneness

The first two we would do this morning and the rest tomorrow. He told us that in order to have good health we must appreciate health, and if we want wealth we must love money. (Yep, that's right. We need to love money--in an appreciative, joyful and positive way.) If you don't love it, you won't have it. He said you must seek wealth, then act on your love of it.

Later Ron Rosedale, MD, metabolic specialist and Internationally known for reversing heart disease, obesity and type II diabetes, gave a talk on nutrition for the enlightened body. The bottom line: stop eating sugar and refined carbohydrates (white bread, white rice, etc.). The good news is that positive changes can be seen in your body within two weeks of changing your diet. He suggested that you start small so you can enjoy the changes you make.

Dr. Rosedale said the dasas at the Oneness University are now on his nutritional program. If you'd like to see what they're eating read this.

In the evening we were entertained with live music from Enzo Buono and Noel Sharjris. You may be familiar with Enzo's upbeat version of the Moola Mantra.

Day 4--2008 Oneness Conference...

Today John Peterson, noted futurist, and former president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, gave a fascinating talk on "Living Through the Biggest Changes in History." He began with some very dire predictions about the coming dramatic changes in society, stemming from astronomical population growth and from projections that there will be 80 times as many advances in the next ten years as in the last 100 years. (You might want to read that last sentence again.) Then, thank goodness...

He lightened the mood in the room by offering solutions when he said scientific models show that by 2015 computers will equal a human brain and will be able to think like humans, and by 2039 quantum computers will be 1 billion times more powerful than all the humans on earth!

He ended his presentation with a reference to the last stages of the Mayan Calendar, saying that the levels of consciousness will change every 2 1/2 weeks during that time period, culminating in humanity regaining its right to everything sacred.

We are the ones who came at this time to make the changes.

After lunch Ananadgiri transmitted the deekshas to us for Acceptance, Faith, and Oneness. When he spoke about acceptance, he told us that "Being yourself is living the truth." You are what you are, so...
Look at yourself
Accept yourself
BE yourself

Once you accept yourself, there is great joy and peace in being what you are.

Anandagiri speaks on service and faith (01:24)

As the Conference ended, Anandagiri gave us important homework that will help the environment. He asked us to visit EVERYDAY! The site is partnered with the Oneness University, and just by answering a few questions online, a tree is planted--free. (Please share this wonderful, environmentally conscious site with everyone you know.)

You can get 6 deekshas at our next deeksha event ONLINE.

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Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you for this report!
It's a Deeksha itself!

7:45 AM, August 12, 2008  

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