Birthday Deekshas-Mar. 7
March 7th is Bhagavan's birthday, and in celebration we will hold an online event where you will receive multiple deekshas for enlightenment and healing, plus boons for manifesting all your personal desires!
Bhagavan's birthday is also a Global Deeksha Day. It is believed that when many gather around the world to give and receive deekshas, energetically, a huge opening is created and the consciousness of the entire planet is raised. You can be a part of it right from your own home.
Date: Wednesday evening, March 7, 2007
Time: 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm Central Time
Cost: $ 20
Place: our online conference room
During this event you will receive six deekshas--
1. a group enlightenment deeksha
2. an enlightenment deeksha for you individually
3. a general healing deeksha
4. a healing deeksha to open you to the next steps on your spiritual path
5. healing deeksha for the one thing you specifically request request
6. a boon deeksha to manifest all the things you want
For more information and to register go
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