Thursday, January 11, 2007

Deekshas on Jan. 22

A new year has begun, full of enlightening hope and promise, and 2007 has gotten off to a "booning" start with our recent boon deeksha and homa event. It was so successful it is being repeated on January 22, and once again we will be proxied into a homa at Bhagavan's ashram.

This online deeksha event will also include a boon deeksha, as well as five more deekshas. These include deekshas for enlightenment, healing deekshas, plus the boon deeksha. (See boon deeksha for more information about them.)

This date also happens to fall on a significant Mayan gateway date, and we will take advantage of these additional energies for opening. If you would like to participate in this Boon Deeksha & Homa Event and receive six deekshas, please join us on this gateway date.

Boon Deeksha & Homa Event

Date: Monday evening, January 22, 2007
Time: 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm Central Time
Cost: $ 20
Place: our online conference room

During this time you will receive six deekshas--
1. a group enlightenment deeksha
2. an enlightenment deeksha for you individually
3. a general healing deeksha
4. a healing deeksha to open you to the next steps on your spiritual path
5. healing deeksha for the one thing you specifically request request
6. a boon deeksha to manifest all the things you want

For more information and to register go here.

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